Welcome to Bromley Art Society

About Us

Bromley Art Society was formed in 1947 to bring together artist of all types including local painters and sculptors, art teachers and students, and all who share an appreciation of the fine arts.

We have a good mix of professional and “amateur” artists working in a wide range of media: oils, watercolour, acrylics, pastels, pen & ink, print, digital, batik, clay and mosaics amongst others.


Each year the Society stages major public exhibitions in the Bromley area and beyond. They provide an excellent opportunity to display original works of art and to find buyers. Exhibitors pay a small hanging fee plus a percentage of their sales to the Society.

Demonstrations and talks

An essential element of the Society’s programme is a series of practical demonstrations of various mediums and techniques and illustrated lectures by experts on art and artists, these monthly meetings are currently held online but, would normally be held in a set Bromley location on the first Friday of each month.

Social art sessions

Weekly drop in art sessions are held on Wednesday between 10am to 4pm in Bickley Church hall. It is open to all Bromley Art Society members and cost just £26.00 per month (£6.00 per session ) or £10 an individual session. Whilst each of the group is itself the tutor and pupil, they are supervised and everyone is very friendly and helpful.

“Art Matters” discussions

Periodically we hold a monthly Zoom based “Art Matters” meeting which responds to a theme or sometimes discusses matters of interest. This is a lively informal group with work being shared by being held up to the screen, with no pressure to “do your homework”.

Members classes

Several members hold classes and information about these can be found on our website on the developing “Members advertisements” page or on request. If you are a member and wish to know more or advertise your classes please let us know through the membership email you would have been provided when you signed up.

Please revisit this site frequently for news, updates and details of forthcoming events.

New members are welcome. To join please follow the instructions at http://bromleyartsociety.org.uk/members/membership-renewal/

Watch our recent promotional video…