In 2021 Bromley Art Society, during the Covid epidemic took the opportunity to ask members for their opinions about the society. Our Friday meetings had to change because of the pandemic. Exhibitions were rare. On-line events have increased. These changes may have made members more aware of what your membership currently means to them.
The following questions were asked in the survey. Answers could be as short or as detailed as they wished.
- What do you think the Society has been doing well?
- Can you suggest any thing you would like to see done differently?
- Is there anything else you would like the society to offer?
- Do you have any other comments?
A total of 42% of members responded
A lot of responses, of course, reflected the effect the Covid restrictions had on our activities. Most thought we had adapted well and liked the use of online meetings as well as the careful return of the Wednesday sessions and online and live exhibitions.
The following two graphs show responses grouped by those topics most mentioned.

Typical responses:
What have we done well?
“Art matters is a sociable event. Got to know far more people than ever did at Ripley and I think people have tried new stuff as a result. I also think it allows people who wouldn’t come out in the evening to participate”
“Keeping people interested in participation of the society by running the Friday evening sessions on zoom”.
“BAS has adapted well to changed circumstances. Members have been given the opportunity to continue to be involved”.
How can we improve?
“It will be great if there was a mentoring programme, and more of exhibitions/art fairs”
“More opportunities to take part in exhibitions. Would be great to arrange some market days / BAS market stall eg for printmakers / card makers too if a full exhibition not possible”.
“Perhaps we should have an ‘ideas forum’/chat shop. I don’t mean an online chatroom, but some way for members to share what they have been doing/exploring/experimenting with, to share ideas.”
“I like the idea of painting out of doors together perhaps a portrait class once a month.”
“Visits to galleries with informal join in.”
Thank you to all those who responded. Answers were generally very supportive of our current direction and invaluable to the committee in understanding better the current interests of members.