Friday 1st October
Zsuzsanna Pataki
A short “paint along” talk about a split primary palette followed by a demonstration in acrylics and inks.

Our very own Zsuzsanna returns by popular demand. In a demonstration of acrylics and inks Zsuszanna will begin with a talk and “a paint along” with a split primary palette before embarking one of her trade mark colourful live works.
If you wish to join in you should have at hand a few colours and an A4 or A3 (even better) watercolour paper, preferably in acrylic (or other media if you wish):
Cadmium yellow (deep hue if possible)
Cadmium red (light or deep)
Magenta (or similar: Perm Rose, Quinacridone something, or perhaps alizarin crimson if you have it)
Phthalo blue green shade (or Cerulean, for a lighter)
White (titanium)
Zsuzsanna will go through the process. You should expect some messy fingers, so have a rag or baby wipes at hand. The aim is for you to make your own split primary colour wheel and know how to use it for reference.
The session will be recorded and a link sent out and placed here on our website after the event.
Join us it what promises to be a colourful entertaining evening on behalf of Bromley Art Society. .. it should be fun.