Friday 7th May
Tim Wilmot
Landscape watercolour
Tim Wilmot is based in Bristol UK and a 100% watercolour artist.
“So I’ve painted on and off all my life. I love watercolour. Most people say it’s the most difficult painting medium to use – after all if you make a mistake, that’s it. Do the same in oils, and you can paint over it. So it’s the challenge I think with watercolour to pull a painting off, but also it’s about some of the unique things you can do with watercolour that is difficult or impossible with say oils – e.g. try and do what they call ‘wet in wet’ in oils! I also love the spontaneity of watercolour and the speed at which you can work, often being able to complete a painting in under 2 hours. Also the freshness you can get with watercolour, the attempt to make one brush stroke work just right and it communicates exactly what I want”.