Friday 2nd July
Nishad Karim
In a change from our advertised programme, our First Friday demonstration for July will be given by Nishad Karim, one of our members. I am grateful to him for filling in at short notice. The topic fits in nicely with our upcoming exhibition theme for the Beckenham Place Park exhibition. Nishad will be painting quite a large water colour and talking about his approach and methods as well as technique. He is an art teacher by profession and in addition has a youtube channel of his own.
Nishad pointed to this by way of biography
Link to Nioshad’s youtube channel:

About Nishad Karim
Nishad Karim was born in the beautiful Caribbean Island of Trinidad and Tobago. He has been a qualified teacher for the past 14 years and graduated with a B.A. Special in Visual Arts from the University of the West Indies, Trinidad.Nishads exploration with paints started at a very early age and has continued his explorations with media and materials. He admires, loves and appreciates his natural outdoor environment immensely. This love inspired him to capture the atmosphere and mood of the Caribbean landscape with its lush tropical vegetation and vibrant colours.