We would like all paid up members of the Society whether Beginner, Improver or Professional and whether Painter, Print Maker, Ceramicist, Textile Artist etc. to have an entry on the Gallery page. This is an opportunity for you to share up to 4 of your best images, some biography about yourself (optional) and links to your website or social media accounts (also optional).
We are also planning to update the gallery that appears on the opening page of the website to give members work more visibility, and will look to select a rotating number of images to act as a celebration of the breadth of talent among the society’s members both on the website and on social media.
While we may at some point establish the ability of members to maintain their own gallery at this stage we will be posting the photos on your behalf.
The gallery can be found here – there are only a few posts to date: https://bromleyartsociety.org.uk/project-tag/members-art
The instructions are below so to take part please send the information requested to mailto:[email protected] . There are no forms to be completed or payment to be made, this is part of your membership benefits. If you have any queries or need help to take part please email us too.
Please send us:
Up to 4 images with your name/picture name saved in the file name – it isn’t always obvious.
Please save the photos the “right way up”- again it isn’t always obvious, and it is embarrassing to ask!
In your email please include for each image:
Size (optional)
If you do not want to have your work considered for the front page of the website please include this information. Also, if you have a preference for a particular image to be shared there please let us know.
Personal details
Please include in your email:
Name – This will be the title of the gallery so if you have a professional name that is the one to use.
Up to 150 words of biography & exhibiting information (optional)
Social media/website addresses (optional)
Bear in mind anyone who looks at the gallery can see what is written so if there is anything you want to keep private please do not include it here.
Small Print
If you have any queries please let us know but some key points to bear in mind:
Members Only
You must be a member of the Society to have the work displayed in the gallery. If your membership subsequently lapses we reserve the right to remove the works.
Use of images
The committee reserves the right to reject any work that is not of sufficient standard or is otherwise unsuitable for public display.
Copyright on the works remains with the artist but submission is taken as approval for the Society to display the work during the life of the gallery and in advertising material for the Society e.g. on Instagram or Facebook.
If you would like your work removed from the gallery for any reason please let us know and we will remove it.
All photographs should show works flat and without frames and glazing and should be cropped to include only the work itself. 3D works should be sufficiently lit and have an appropriate background if needed. If the work is already glazed/framed please contact us to discuss.
While large jpeg files will allow your work to be seen in great detail they also lead to images that are very slow to open and this can lead to work failing to appear when visitors are browsing the site. There is also a small risk that your image could be “stolen”. Therefore your photos will need to be of a suitable size. If you are comfortable adjusting the size of the photo you send us please ensure that photographs have a resolution of at least 924 x 924 pixels and no more than 1200 on the longest edge. Please ensure that photos are saved with a file extension of .jpg/.jpeg, if they are in something else it is possible we won’t be able to open them.
If you are not confident photographing works or editing and saving files in the requested format please send the file at full size and we will adjust this, but if we need to do this for everyone it will slow us up and we may not alter them in a way that you like.
If people would like a Zoom session on how to take photos/edit them please let me know and we will be happy to arrange this – maybe as a later Art Matters session.
Like many social media companies our website provider also has rules about what is permissible to post. This isn’t an outright ban but it can limit the availability of visitors to find the website, so sadly at this point we need to minimise posts that could be construed as nudity.
If you sell your work
Due to the difficulty of keeping sales information up to date we aren’t planning to include prices in the gallery. If you would like to indicate that work is for sale, can we please ask you to include this fact in your biography. E.g. “Work is for sale, if you would like to know more please contact ………” Please remember that you will also need to deliver any work sold and deal with the sales transaction yourself. If you know a work was sold to someone who made contact through the BAS Gallery we would request that you let us know, and you donate a commission fee to the Society on an honesty basis. We are considering holding selling exhibitions later in the year when we are more confident in web galleries.
Look forward to seeing your works.
Any questions please email.
Exhibition Organiser