01 to 06 July St George’s Church Anniversary Exhibition.

We are please to announce that the “Wednesday sessions” members, who meet at St George’s Church Hall Bickley, are organising a special open exhibition for the society. Father Henry of St George’s has asked Bromley Arts Society to participate in their 160 year anniversary celebrations. Other community groups are also contributing, e.g. Historic Society and Choirs.
A small committee has been formed to organize this and having held two meetings, one with Father Henry present, we have managed to sketch an outline of the Exhibition policy and timetable.
Exhibition Dates – Monday 1st July to Saturday 6th July.
Venue – St George’s Church, Bickley, BR1 2BE
Times – 1st – 12noon to 5pm, thereafter 10 to 5 apart from the final day, Saturday, 6th, 10 to 4pm.
Exhibitors – All fully paid up members of Bromley Arts Society.
Exhibits – There is a limited amount of space.
- We are offering approximately 25% of the space to non-sale items.
- All exhibits are subject to either £4.00 per picture hanging fee or £15 per screen. It may be that full screens are limited.
- Tables will be available, as will card holders and browsers, but the cost of these are yet to be decided.
We are also giving the artists’ an opportunity to add text in relation to their exhibit[s], together with their biography and contact details and as this will take time to prepare we are asking for all information to be made available by FRIDAY 14TH JUNE 2024.
Also, as we need to arrange our display sooner rather than later it would be appreciated if you could email to [email protected] by 30th APRIL 2024 to confirm your intention to exhibit. Finally, artists will not be asked to hang their paintings themselves, we have formed a team to organize the display, we only ask that the dates for dropping off and picking up are adhered to. Table displays will be the responsibility of the artist.