Bromley Art Society’s Constitution and Rules as amended March 2023
1. THE NAME shall be the “Bromley Art Society”
2. THE OBJECTS shall be to promote the appreciation and practice of the visual fine arts.
3. THE ACTIVITIES shall include holding meetings for discussions, criticism, lectures, debates and demonstrations, organising weekend painting schools, holding exhibitions and similar activities.
4. MEMBERSHIP shall be open to all interested in the visual arts. It shall consist of Ordinary and Student members. The qualification for student membership shall be full time attendance at an Institution at which Art is included in the curriculum. Application for membership shall be made in writing to the Honorary Membership Secretary.
5. AN ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION shall be paid by each Ordinary member and student member. It shall be paid in advance and shall be due on the 1st February each year. A member whose subscription is three months in arrears, and who has been duly notified of the fact, shall, at the committee’s discretion cease to be a member of the society.
6. THE FUNDS of the society shall be applied solely to its stated objects and no part of these shall be paid directly or indirectly, to any member of the Society (except to Member lectures) for his or her services or for anything except legitimate expenses incurred on behalf of the society. In the event of the dissolution of the society, any remaining funds shall be donated to the ARTIST’S GENERAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION.
7. THE SOCIETY SHALL BE INSURED against third party risks.
8. AN ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING shall be held within three months of the end of the previous financial year and not less then six ordinary meetings shall be arranged by the committee during the year.
An Extraordinary General meeting may be summoned by the committee at the request of not less than twenty ordinary members who must indicate the business for which the meeting is to be summoned.
At least fourteen days notice of a General Meeting must be given by the Honorary Secretary to all members.
9. THE OFFICERS of the society shall be:
- Chairman
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Membership Secretary
- Lead Exhibition and Events Organiser(s)
- 1st Friday Organiser
- Webmaster
- Publicity & Media officer(s).
The officers must be members of the society
a. Shall manage all the affairs and activities of the Society
b. Shall consist of:
The officers mentioned in rule 9 (ex-officio)
Four other members of the society
c. The officers and “other Members” shall be elected annually at the annual general meeting.
d. Nominations for election of Officers and “other members” must be in writing and signed by proposers and seconders and by nominees, and delivered by post or otherwise to the Honorary secretary at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting at which the election will take place.
PROVIDED THAT all existing Officers and “other members” shall be eligible for re-election without nomination AND shall be deemed to have offered themselves for re-election, except for any one of them who has given notice to the Secretary that he or she does not wish to be considered for re-election;
e. The committee has power to fill any vacancy which may occur during the year.
f. Five Members of the committee shall form a quorum for a committee meeting.
The quorum shall include the committee members attending the meeting plus any committee members not attending who have nominated an attending member to vote on their behalf.
Up to 2 committee members not able to attend may nominate an attending committee member to vote on their behalf.
Nominations shall be made by communication with the chairman copied to the secretary in advance of the meeting; and may extend for period of up to 3 months; and shall be recorded in the minutes.
At the sole discretion of the chairman, proposals to be voted on considered to be of particular financial or other interest to society members may be deemed to require a quorum of attending committee members only.
g. The committee may elect from Members of the committee:
1. The Assistant Honorary Secretary
2. The Society’s Representative to the Bromley Arts Council
3. The Social Secretary
a. The Society’s financial year will commence on 1st January and end 31st December.
b. Annual account to be checked by a member of the society and presented at the Annual General Meeting
No Rule of the society shall be altered or rescinded and no additional Rule shall be made except at a General meeting and by two-thirds majority of those present. Any proposed alteration must be circulated to all members not less than six week before the General Meeting at which its adoption is to be proposed.