Friday 10th July to 1st September – An Exhibition of BAS member’s art in the Glades Shopping Centre Bromley.
We are pleased to say that we have now confirmed that our exhibition at the Glades will commence on Monday 10 July. This will be in the shop on the first floor at the back of Marks and Spencer’s next to the NHS hub. This is a large space which will provide an opportunity for all members to get involved. Work will primarily be hung on the screens as the unit has been freshly decorated. The slot commencing the 24 July may be particularly suitable for larger work that may not normally fit on our exhibiton screens or three dimensional work due to existing screen hire commitments.
We are planning 3 mini exhibitions:
10 July – 23 July
24 July – 6 August
7 August -21 August.
We will shortly be sending instructions about how to take part, but in the meantime if you have not previously expressed a desire to take part/ a preferred slot it would be useful for us to hear from you. It would also be helpful to start receiving social media handles if you have these. Again the email is [email protected]
This will be a lot of work for the society to manage so if you are able to assist – particularly with stewarding then please let us know.