Studio Session Profiles

Christine Richards

As a child I loved painting and drawing and I can remember how I would focus on something and not be happy until I was satisfied I had it correct. The thing I particularly remember was trying to draw horses. I can also remember how I treasure my box of paints and how I loved colour. But music was always my first passion and when it came to choosing between music and art for O level I sadly gave up art. After that, I dabbled a bit now and then through my later life but demanding work and a family meant that I never really took art seriously.

On moving to Bromley in 1991 I noticed, in the window of the then Art for All, that they held painting classes on Saturday mornings. Although still leading a very busy life, which by then meant lots of travel, I was suddenly inspired to join and I’ve never stopped painting since.

I joined Bromley Art Society in the mid 1990s, was soon on the committee and over the years I think I held every post except treasurer. I resigned from the committee about five years ago in order to give myself more time for music and many other hobbies in my retirement years.

I’ve attended various art classes and courses in the last 20 or so years and have painted in just about every medium. At the moment, I’m enjoying acrylics, being relatively new to this medium and enjoying the immediacy it offers. This has loosened up my style and given me a lot of opportunity to experiment.

I’ve been an afternoon member of the Ripley drop-in for many years, spending happy hours with amazing artists, and enjoying the conviviality of it as well as the opportunity to exchange ideas and get inspiration from each other. It’s a most enjoyable and supportive group and it’s been so sad to be without it over the last months.

Hebridean sea
Barra sunset
Beach on the west coast of Harris