Studio Session Profiles

Christine Butcher

I joined BAS a few years ago and enjoy being with a diverse group of talented artists who are friendly and happy to share their knowledge. The birthday cakes are a bonus. This pandemic is a temporary diversion for our group.

I enjoyed art at school but as an adult my passion was always playing sport, badminton and raquetball. I was devastated when I had to stop playing following an accident.

Around 2004 a colleague persuaded me to try a watercolour taster session. I was hooked. It was for beginners and at the end of the day we had to show our work. I produced a comical bunch of daffodil-like objects. The rest of the group were far more accomplished and kind whilst trying not to laugh. I tried a couple of one day courses and eventually joined a local U3A group who were helpful and encouraging.

Watercolour is still a challenge and at times frustrating but I keep coming back to it. The one success in 30 attempts spurs me on. I enjoy working in acrylics, water-based oils, pastels and graphite, which I find more forgiving and rewarding. My favourite subjects are dogs, cats, flowers, seascapes and portraits.

Favourite artists include Monet, Kandinsky, Sorolla and Grayson Perry. I have been influenced by Hazel Soan and Judi Whitton.

Acrylic pour