Peter Cox
About the time that I retired, I had a cataract op and discovered that the world was full of fantastic bright colours including a brilliant glowing ‘Caravaggio’ scarlet (looking through an arterial bleed within the eye). The experience sent me towards adult ed classes.
I started working with oil because it was one of the much the preferred mediums of tutors and I was too chicken to try watercolour. I fell in love with acrylic because it is forgiving and dries so fast. Subjects were mainly portrait and still life. Somebody discovered the Hesketh Hubbard Society at the Mall Gallery’s and I joined a bunch of classmates attending. I started using charcoal and pastel because of portability. Subjects here are portraits and life. I am still too chicken to use watercolour!
I am not sure how art can be taught but have had a few pointers. Two of the best were ‘paint like a millionaire’ and ‘paint big’ from Fred Bromfield (Bromley Adult Ed) who also said ‘sometimes only black will do’. In response I buy large pots of acrylic and throw it around with large brushes. I am also not frightened of using the heretical black provided it is the last thing to go on. Going big with pastel requires the use of A2 and A1 size sheets.
Other than that, I reckon just do it and take note of what others are doing or have done in the past.
I find Wednesday BAS sessions a godsend forcing an idle old man to make an effort, join a fun group of local people and pinch their ideas (and sometimes their props!)
I am not sure what the perfect work of art or craft would be to create. It depends on what I am trying to do on the day.