Christine Jessep
How nice this is to contribute to the Wednesday Drop In Gallery.
It seems so long since we were all together sharing our art and I hope it won’t be long before we are back again.
I pursued the interest of art, like many, after retirement. I cannot even remember doing art at school although I must have done.
Rightly or wrongly I never had the desire to have any art lessons as I had a dread of one person standing in front of a class telling everyone how to paint a sea or similar because I think we all have our own interpretation of what is in front of us and that is the beauty of art. Hence I began my art experience through joining an art club where like minded people attended to enjoy their art. The Wednesday art group gives you the freedom to paint what you want with the benefit of other experienced artists to hand to give advice when needed.
I love nature and gardening so if I can produce some likeness to that beauty onto a canvas I am happy, Natures Palette is just, for me, a lovely combination of colours and the orange sky was inspired by a painting I saw by Santiago Rusinol at an exhibition at Royal Academy a couple of years ago. It had a real impact on me.
Blue Tones was my first trial on Yupo paper with inks and the way the inks flowed into each other I found really relaxing and vibrant at the same time.
Monarch of the Glen was a subject that I saw when visiting a small shop gallery and it stayed in my mind so I thought I would throw in some ‘wrong’ colours and I think it works (for my eyes anyway!)