2023 Programme

Friday 21st April – Art Matters “Asemic writing”

Asemic writing – no I’d never heard of it either -defined by Wikipedia as “wordless open semantic form of writing” or to you and I – it looks like text but it isn’t readable or indeed in any recognisable written language, There is lots of fun to be had. To see how others have interpreted it  https://www.pinterest.co.uk/gracemndz/asemic-writing/

Or if we are on the subject of text you may also be inspired by Artists who have altered books  Eg. Many of you will know Tom Philips’ Hummument https://www.tomphillips.co.uk/humument/slideshow/1-50 or someone new to me was  https://www.yasmineseale.com/gallery

See some examples by Deborah Masters below. (Asemic writing doesn’t need to be on book pages by the way)